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Hunting woodcock !


As early as the 3rd and 4th century lions, deer, boar and birds hunts were observed. The goddess Artemis (goddess of the hunting) was said to provide good fortune to hunters. Today, public hunting is wide spread over Greece as well as on private hunting farms. The bird hunting season begins 20th August and finishes 28th February. Hunting is highly regulated with bird seasons, bag limits and the used of bird dogs for harvesting of birds. For example, some birds can only be hunts with the aid of a bird dog. There are approximately 300,000 Greek hunters in a total population of 11,000,000.

There are various bird dog breed clubs such as English Pointer, Setter, Hellenique, Bretons and others. Most hunters own pointing dogs (70 %), spaniels and dogs for tracking (29 %) and retrievers (1 %). The pointing dogs can be divided into English Pointer-Setter (50 %), Breton (20 %), German Pointer (15 %), Gordon and Irish Setters (5 %), Brake (5 %) and other bird dogs (5 %). Popular shotguns are automatics in the 12, 20 and 36 gauges with a few favoring the over and under. Most hunters (90 %) prefer 12 gauge. In the field these guns can only hold three shells. Other guns considered for war, stripped, pistols and others are prohibited.

© Giorgio Peppas


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