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BirdLife partners' project for ducks and cormorants in Europe

Development Assistance and Cooperation Project "Actions for the research and conservation of two globally threatened species in the Balkans ( Pygmy Cormorant and White-Headed Duck)" is coordinated by the Hellenic Ornithological Society and is carried out by our Birdlife International partners in: Romania Romanian Ornithological Society (ROS) Turkey Society for the Protection of Nature (DHKD) and Bulgaria Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB). The project is funded by the Development, Assistance and Cooperation Project of the Greek Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works

The aim of the project is the conservation and increase of the population of Oxyura leucocephala and Phalacrocorax pygmeus in Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, and Turkey, by tackling threats and taking protection measures whithin the distribution areas of the two species in order to minimize the negative effects to them. Objectives of the project are: the creation of research groups for the investigation of the population status of the two globally threatened species in the most important areas of their distribution; the realization of common or similar actions, simultaneously, in the four countries that relate to the above mentioned research, information and awareness for the two species and their biotopes; the creation of a rapid information exchange network; providing the partner organizations with equipment such as GPS and telescopes; and creating awareness about the two species and the threatened wetlands by means of local meetings, stickers and banners and a poster.

© Giorgio Peppas


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